Monday, August 8, 2016

I will be in NY for 3 events: two lectures with video and photos regarding my research on Italy's Witches and Medicine Women, and an Ancestor Pathworking Guided Meditation. Please read all the details below! I will also be available for private readings in-person or via phone September 20, 21, 22, 25.

Italy's Witches and Medicine Women by Karyn Crisis.

Friday September 19th at Brid's Closet in Cornwall, NY: 282 Main Street (845) 458-8726 and
Friday September  23rd at Catland in Brooklyn, NY: 987 Flushing Ave (718) 418-9393.
Call for reservations and door prices.

1.5-2 hour Lecture (with photos and video footage) of Karyn Crisis' research trip of Italy's Witches and Medicine women. 

As a natural born and Spiritualist trained Medium, I had no real investment in the history of paganism and witchcraft, that is until Goddesses began communicating with me in the same way passed-on relatives and loved ones did. They began to tell me about the many spiritual practices and multi-cultural imprints all over Italy, which I later found evidence of in Italian literature. They also began to impress upon me the healing powers of "witches" all over Italy, the ancient lineage of the feminine mysteries, and invited me to come to the land and discover a most wonderful matrilineal history buried under  the genocide of the Inquisition.

Come discover the fascinating history with me, as I reveal information given to me not only through my own Spirit world communications, but as evidenced through the many professors, researchers, published authors, local Streghe and Bajiue(witches,) Nonnas, and herbalists, historians, and folk story experts who provided me with this research from Italy.

What are witches and their local names?
Do their ancient practices bear any resemblance to modern witchcraft?
Why is witchery so widespread in Italy?
What are the other cultural influences, pagan strongholds, and beloved Goddesses and why did they receive such devotion?
Learn of the Inquisition's trail and why it had more power in the north than the south
What were witches powers, and are there different types of witches?
How did they learn their secret knowledge?
Who are the Benandanti?Janara? Streghe? Bajiue?
Where did the legend of women dancing around a magic walnut tree come from?
Who are the Longboards and what do they have to do with Wodan, Freya, and the Streghe?
Are there Goddess temples remaining and where are they located?
What were the secret healing herbs used to cure disease by uneducated women and how did they learn about them?
How successful was the ability to cure of the witches? 
What was the Inquisition's real purpose?

Karyn Crisis is  a spiritual Medium, channeling guidance from the Spirit world.
Karyn is a Teacherof Mediumship (the system of channeling and communicating with the Spirit World based on the Master Teachings) to beginners as well as already practicing Mediums, natural born sensitives, and psychic trainees. Karyn has trained people in many occult practices to deepen and clarify their own work with the Spirit world such as: witches, healers, empaths,  modern shaman and druids, ghost hunters, tarot readers, spiritualists, skeptics, and psychic seekers. Her San Francisco-baed workshops have been a popular and integral part of the Spiritualist community in the Bay Area. 

Karyn’s  Writings are  currently focused on reclaiming Ancient Wisdom received through the Old Ways. This feminine, receptive practice of devotional Mediumship offers empowerment in our modern times through connecting us to our still-living legacy of the Medicine Women, Wise Women, and “Witches” of the past, as well as to their Goddess Guides and Teachers.  Karyn’s own Guides are working with her to document these Master Teachings as they have been taught by Goddess Guides since ancient times.

Saturday September 24th at Catland, Brooklyn.

In this interactive Guided Meditation, we will work with the conduits of nature: earth, air, fire, and water, to connect with the spirits of our ancestors. Be prepared to bury your hands in soil, scry with water, use your natural psychic abilities and imaginative power to reconnect with your own lineage in this deeply personal meditation, guided by Karyn Crisis.

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