Thursday, August 27, 2015

New Mediumship Intensive Class with Karyn Crisis
I have received several questions regarding making this class available as a Skype/FaceTime class...Yes! This is possible. If you're interested, please email me:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I received a question from someone regarding Ouija Boards. The inquirer wanted to know what I think about them. Below you can find my thoughts on the matter, based on my personal experiences and experiences teaching other people.

The information I'm sharing here is largely geared towards inquirers who haven't trained their psychic senses nor have any knowledge of the practice of Mediumship (an organized system of practice for communicating with the Spirit World). This information is also regarding uneducated experiences with tools like the Spirit other words, messy experiences by curious people.

The Ouija Board, also called "Talking Board" and "Spirit Board," is a Mediumistic tool used to communicate with the Spirit World.

The Ouija Board is not a psychic tool using Universal energy, but rather a tool that works with consciousness. Therefore, all experiences had with a Ouija Board are coming from interactions with other disembodied conscious people, whether you understand this or not, whether they seem abstract or not.

This tool has resonance: it's been used so often in this way, (and its creation was intended assist communication with the Spirit World) that something occurs when it is put to use: people in the Spirit World can see it being used and consider that an "invitation into your space" where they can connect with you and your energy field. Some of these spirit people also used Spirit Boards when they lived in a physical body on earth. Most of the spirit people attracted to this board are not of a higher nature: they are often people living in the Astral Plane, who are by technical location people who have not completed their death transition for reasons specific to their choices. This means: people who don't want to face their "life review" and take responsibility for their life's actions' affects on others; people who died suddenly and are still coming to terms with their death; people who killed themselves and are coping with the same mindset they were in at that time; people who were bullies and manipulators and other low-mindset people on earth who enjoy being spirit attachments now. It is possible to meet helpful higher Guides, such as Spirit Guides and Angels, but without knowledge of how Spirit communication works, this is not the more common happenstance "meeting" using a Board.

You must use intention to create a positive experience, for your highest good.

Many people use Ouija Boards not realizing they have control over their experience with any spirit person and instead just leave things "to chance." However, that control has to do with setting intention, among many other factors having to do with the practice of Mediumship. For example, the Natural Laws of energy are at work here, as they always are with all energy. The Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like," and also "what you give out comes right back." Not setting an intention, when using a Board, is what causes so many problems.

This is not to say you're a bad person if you have a bad experience with a Ouija Board. What it does mean is that, if you've said to yourself something like "let's just see what happens with this Board," you in-effect open yourself to any type of experience, and you will likely get "any" experience. This  could be one or many spirit people form the Astral plane who likely want to "play" with you. In other words, you opened your personal space to allowing "anything in," effectively trusting a neighborhood of spirit people who are not necessarily looking out for your best, to come and do whatever they want with your time together. The reason for this is that higher quality Spirit people such as Guides generally don't gravitate towards the Oujia Board. This has to do with vibrations, the types of vibrations spirit people have, their location and purpose. The spirit people who are located most closely to us are ones in the Astral Plane, which is, to say simply, still a place close to earthly life (which is why many "ghosts" here remain in places where they lived while in a body).

Confusing experiences can happen even if you're a loving, kind person who just decides to play with the Ouija board. I've been told personal stories where a person "meets" a negative-minded spirit who   tries to scare the person, and then sticks around after the board is put away. This is an example not that you're "bad" and this attracting a "bad" situation, but perhaps you're someone who, out of kindness, give people an inch and find yourself being taken for much more than an inch. We can, for simple purposes, call this a "boundary issue," where you've put others before yourself, and therefore can have trouble protecting yourself, saying no, or speaking up for yourself. A lowly spirit can know this and play upon your fear. Spirit people, no matter how lowly or high quality, are using their psychic senses, and therefore have more information available to you than you do about them. So it's not a matter of you being "bad," but of you having a softness there that a negative-minded spirit can then use against you.

The Spirit world has its parallels in our earthly world... and vice versa.

For example, if you move into a new neighborhood and immediately have an "open house" party where you invite all your neighbors in the entire neighborhood and their friends (whom you haven't met and know nothing about), it's possible all sorts of people will show up: well-intentioned neighbors who'd like to begin a friendship with you, people who just want to scope you out, people who may want to "size you up" and see if you have anything worth stealing, people just looking for a good time, and a whole assortment of people with various intentions, positive, negative, and neutral.
Would you really through your doors open for just anyone and everyone in a terrain you know little about?

Mediumship is very similar. When opening yourself to communicating with the Spirit World before you know how to set your intention, before you know how to organize your experience for your highest good, to choose the Spirit company you'd like to associate with, to know the Natural Laws of Energy which give you the ability to start communication, end it, and have proper boundaries and higher learning without superstition, to have a close relationship with your Primary Spirit Guide who can protect you and organize your "space", you're literally opening a door to an "anything goes" party.

You may have a higher Spirit Guide show up, if you've invited one or have yearned for one enough in daily life, but being that they are of a much higher vibration than you, it takes some practice to feel them near you after you've invited them in. Likely, without understanding the more subtle communications of a Spirit Guide you will also have many Spirit people show up who are "closer" to you in location: "ghosts" or spirits in the Astral Realm...located very close to earth, the ones who're confused, not knowing their dead, ones who choose to remain here and bully people, lost ones, people who've committed suicide and all sorts of people who've not yet completed their death transition. Since they have passed out of their physical bodies, they are operating according to their psychic senses (and mind), they automatically can see/hear/sense much more than you. Their mind and personality determine what kind of intentions they have. So just opening your door to "see what you get" will likely result in all sorts of spirit people who've not yet completed their death transition because of trauma, confusion, or bad intentions. Is that really the company you wish to keep? And then, how do you "get rid of them?" Additionally, the concept that many people have about the Ouija Board "opening a door to the Spirit world" is a concept that puts the "entryway" for Spirit people into "your current space" on some literal unseen "door" that is separate from the person using the board. Most important for you to know is that the "doorway" is literally you; your energy body. Spirit people make the Board's planchette move by plugging into your energy body to create a psychic phenomenon of physical movement. You are the doorway, you are the one temporarily "sharing space" with a Spirit person.

There are far more appealing people to learn from and work with in the Spirit world than the population of "lost, astral-bound spirits," unless you are specifically choosing to help them understand their predicament and help them to cross over. This is something that should be done with someone who naturally feels the calling, and is not done with a Spirit Board, traditionally. Guides and Teachers from the Spirit world will work with you according to your invitation. In contrast, astral-bound spirit people will often force you to give them attention through inciting fear, moving objects, turning lights off and on, and other phenomena which are interruptive. Of course, there are times where a helpful passed-on relative or friend is creating these phenomena to act as a warning of some coming danger or to say "hello, I'm still near you."

In earlier days, the Board was used in the way ghost hunters use EVP machines. For people experiencing phenomenon with spirit people the Ouija Board and other homemade systems gave people a way to give the spirit person something to communicate with them through. An EVP gives a spirit person the opportunity to use energy to create a "voice." I spoke with some spirit people through my own Mediumistic abilities and gathered information from the spirit people themselves with my Guide assisting me, while friends used a machine. They were able to get only "yes" or "no" answers, to gather information, where each time for me I was able to get information about the spirit peoples' lives, that I then received confirmation from the spirit people through the EVP about the information I received. I simply told the spirit people out loud everything they'd told me telepathically and they confirmed with a very audible "yes."

Skeptics like to say that whomever uses the board is simply affecting it with their involuntary muscles. Religions  tend to go to the extreme of saying all spirits are "devils and evil."
There are people who, without knowing much about Mediumship, do have very positive experienes, but again this all depends on the person and their mindset and conscious and unconscious beliefs.  I've personally heard reports from people who've had long-lasting scary experiences with the Boards, which disprove the theory of them "making it all happen themselves," especially when the terrifying experiences with spirit people continue long after the Board has been put away. Involuntary muscles can't explain that away. Additionally, using a Board while on drugs or alcohol leaves more "energetic space" for a spirit person to take up temporarily in your energy body.

"Demons" and "evil" creatures that religions make people afraid of are not some separate creatures form the human race. Since there are just two types of energy: consciousness and universal, they are conscious people just like you and me. Like human beings on earth who've chosen to disregard the Law of Will of other people and become thieves, murderers, manipulators and more, spirit people exist who are also like this, and have devolved even more from that already low state-of-mind.
The church has a longstanding tradition for scaring people away from using their psychic senses and Mediumship, even though they encourage people to pray to God and wait on their answer (which is  Mediumship). They use the excuse that experiences with Ouija Boards are negative and "evil." This has to do with their governing system, which is to take away empowerment and direct connection to God of the individual, and instead supplanting a system of dependence on an outside person to do that or them. Negative experiences can be more easily explained as being experiences that are with lowly people, or disembodied people who need attention. Why? As I explained earlier, spirit people who come near boards, who make a lot of physical movement are ones who are living in the Astral Plane, which is the closest energetic Plane to living live in a physical, earthy environment. They want to still interact with life on earth. It's not that they are necessarily evil, but they are not higher Guides, they are not healer helpers, Master Teachers..they are common earth folk no longer in bodies.

 The Astral Plane is full of spirit people like this because they are "stuck" there, not wanting to continue on with their death transition, which involves a "life review" and an acceptance of one's responsibility for the life they lived on earth. Not everyone wants to face their responsibility or feel the pain they caused others, even if it's for a brief learning opportunity on the way to advancing and learning more of a positive nature.

There are so many people who've opened the door to negative spirits coming into their lives with this tool. It's not to be taken lightly. Mediumship is not to be taken lightly, it's a way of life, not a game or a one-time thing.

"Supernatural" experiences that people "have" are invitations form the Spirit world to begin asking questions. Communicating intentionally with the Spirit world takes training and practice, and the better organized and more love-intentioned the practice, the better the experience.

People who've trained in a spiritual practice for communicating with the Spirit world tend to not use Ouija Boards, because' they've learned their own physical and energy bodies have the ability to "tune into" the Spirit world and how to choose their company. They naturally do not need something outside of themselves to connect to the Spirit world.

Ultimately, using a Spirit Board puts your connection to the Spirit world outside of you, outside of your control, unless you use it with intention and a knowledge of yourself and the Natural Laws of energy. Simpler and more fulfilling would be to learn how to communicate with Spirit through your own psychic senses by training with a local Spirit circle of note, preferably one at a Spiritualist community affiliated with the NSAC. The NSAC is an organization upholding the standards, ethics, philosophy, science, and religion of Spiritualism which is a progressive religious system whose organization began as a result of the Spirit world reaching out and teaching them (rather than a Religion who has decided, independently that they know all there is to know about the Universe and everything in it). Any "church", Medium, Minister affiliated with the NSAC has undergone scientific testing through a rigorous set of tests by a board panel. This assures you're working with people who are using a system of high quality intentions based on Natural Laws of energy and a specific code of ethics.