Monday, May 27, 2013

Psychic Science Lecture Series pt 2: Mediumship

This second lecture in my Psychic Science Series will take up where we left off with the first one:
Defining the Pillars of Mediumship, and how getting to know your psychic senses aids with Spirit Communication.

We'll also examine the beginnings of Spiritualism's history in the U.S. and hear about a few key Mediums.

We'll also touch on Ancient Spiritualism and learn the similarities between ancient rituals and modern mediumship and define the differences.

There will be mini readings given by guest mediums: Jeremy Damec, Chris Torno, and Karyn Crisis. Medium and Reiki Healer Lorraine Nacamulli will get us all connected with a brief Guided Meditation.

We'll end the night connecting with Spiritualism's roots using earth, air, fire, and water in a guided meditation based on the idea of the Oracle at Delphi to connect with one of our ancestors.

I hope you can make it!
Suggested donation is $15.

At Celebrate Life, Friday May 31st, 2013.
4530 18th Street at Ord in the Castro, San Francisco
7:30 pm- 9pm

Monday, April 1, 2013


I think it's safe to say that almost everyone on the planet has a "ghost story" to tell- or has believed in ghosts at one point in their lives…or still wants to. It's fairly easy to find a film from any culture about ghosts these days.  There are reality shows where people "hunt" ghosts. There are haunted houses at Halloween time, tourist destinations alleging famous ghost sightings, photographs of orbs, and all sorts of personal documented stories of encounters with "supernatural" beings. Ghostly images are prevalent in current art and are always alive in fictional writing. Modern photographers still play with exposures to poetically present the idea of ghostly figures present in the same room as living people.

Some of us feel connected to our ancestors and can palpably feel the resonance of their respective cultures. We can almost hear them whispering their old ways in our ears. We believe in the poetry of the idea of their resonance hovering around us, alive in a way, but we tend to think of them more as a living memory: something left in the past. We are hesitant to think of them alive now, in the present moment, continuing to grow and learn in their own lives (in bodies of light, or energy, rather than in lives of flesh). It's easier to think of them in the past, even as ghostly memories, because we can attach that idea of their lives as having been formed in fleshy bodies. It's something we can relate to and understand.

When it comes to life after death, however, peoples' belief levels tend to run cool, and many cultures and religions have beliefs regarding the "good" or "bad" ability to see "ghosts." This judgment system tends to act as a deterrent for many people from exploring the world of Spirit. The idea of a loved one living on after death seems to meet with resistance in our minds, as if contemplating it "for real" will challenge our beliefs and shake us to the core, loosening old ideas that maybe aren't our own but which we cling to because we aren't sure what else to hold onto. The idea of a ghost story allows for more imagination, we tell ourselves:  there’s more room for speculation and less rules to adhere to.  It's easier for us to believe in the romanticism of a story than in the reality that life continues on, perhaps because that idea seems so ordinary and so unbelievable at the same time. It seems that since "ghosts" are invisible, they must be feared. I think this simply comes from the fact that we can feel Spirit and know that what we feel is exactly what a human being in the flesh feels like...and the scary part is that we cannot see what we are feeling.

Personally, I believe the idea of life after death is so controversial, not because it challenges our ideas about death, which we feel we have the right to speculate and change our minds about, but because it challenges our idea of what life is right now. We tend to think we have life "all figured out"(for the most part, anyway) or that life has to operate in certain ways according to the societies in which we live.
For most of us, the idea that someone we once knew continues to live on after the death of their physical bodies challenges our idea that life is about suffering.  Why? Because if life continues on after earth life, then perhaps "death" isn't so bad after all…and then we have to change our ideas about death.
We fear that we will never see our loved ones again, and we hold ideas of hell, damnation and finalization.  These ideas feed into guilt and the idea of an angry, moody God. Maybe we feel that there is nothing "out there," and that it's all here on earth. Some people take this idea to the other extreme, believing that since there is nothing after this life, they can do whatever they want because they don't have to worry about the consequences of their actions.

Spirit communication is so unique because the experience is undeniable for both the medium giving the message and the person receiving the message. While a message from a loved one who we thought no longer exists after their death doesn't answer all our questions, these experiences do resonate in our hearts, minds, and bodies as being true. After each message, we let go of the need to know everything, having just experienced some bit of evidence for ourselves.

As a medium, I find that giving messages to people from their Spirit Guides or loved ones who've passed on is so interesting because the process requires blind trust. I mostly give messages to people I don't know from Spirit people I don't know.  So I must trust my ability to pass on the visual, verbal and emotional information I am receiving to the person awaiting answers. I can later receive confirmation of its accuracy. This is a learning process for me and for them. Often I am allowed to see the person receiving a reading through the eyes and perspective of their passed-on parent, which offers me the story of their life path and layers upon layers that are part of the person I'm giving a reading to.

Once, I received messages concerning a father's health and lifestyle from a young man in Spirit. Once I gave the information to the still living-on-earth father, I found out the son had died as a small child, yet he had appeared to me as a young man, indicating that he was continuing to grow and learn.

I commonly receive communication with Spirit people who are happy and confident and who offer information that they are no longer suffering from whatever disease they had in physical form. They explain that since the flesh is gone, so are the conditions and limitations of being in flesh.
Often a Spirit Guide has encouraging advice for someone who is working to make an aspiration a reality. Spirit Guides have information from a larger perspective than do we in our moment-to-moment lives.
Message after message there appears a constant:  the continuity of intelligent life.

And we, in our daily lives, can also resurrect ourselves any day, at any time, by accepting responsibility for where we are now and for where we want to go. The hopefulness of understanding that we can change at any time comes often after the pain of acknowledging that we don't like where or who we are in a certain moment, and that despite seeming circumstances, we have a part to play in that. This can cause a "little death," as more of the illusion of limitation falls away and we begin to peek at our greater, eternal self…

But that's a blog for another day...

"As above,
so below."
-from The Hermetic Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

ALL Content Copyright Karyn Crisis, 2013. 
Edited by Sheri Lynn Toczko

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Welcome to My Blog!

The purpose of my blog is to demystify what is considered "supernatural" and to explain just how natural it is for human beings to have psychic and mediumistic abilities.

Ultimately what I'll share here on this blog will be responses from my Spirit Guides to your questions, and since my Guides often give me information well beyond my own personal experience or knowledge, this will be a learning opportunity for all of us. This blog will not focus so much on what I can do and what I have done with my psychic and mediumistic abilities, but rather through my experiences and channeled information from my Guides show you the potential of what YOU can do when fully connected to yourself.

I welcome your questions and queries, because this will be the basis for asking my Guides responses. 

Through my writings, website, blog, lectures and books I am illustrating just how natural it is for every human being to use psychic and mediumistic information and how we are designed to receive information this way, in addition to our 5 senses. 

I believe so much of our unhappiness and depression and addiction is due to the disconnection from our intuitive selves; confusion about how to connect to our inner wisdom and the confusion about all the extra information we already receive or perceive without knowing what to call it or identify to whom it belongs. Social taboos around the words "psychic" and "medium" are just results of religio-political programming we've all been exposed to that takes the idea of empowerment from ourselves and places it in the hands of someone else.

We don't all have the luxury of taking large amounts of time "off" from our daily lives and responsibilities to explore the great "mysteries", to meditate for hours a day or go on a vision quest...but we might want to! We don't all have time to let ourselves spend time deep in the throes of despair and climb back out using a variety of ancient modalities and energy techniques, but I did! I took that time and had people support me through emotional zero and then reawakening to the secrets of the universe, so to give back I'd like to share what I've discovered.

I'll provide information to clarify what "psychic" means, what a "medium" is, what different healing modalities are about, the history of Spiritualism from ancient times to modern, why Spirit loves a skeptic, ways to move energy, pros and cons of techniques and teachings, and to offer guidance on how you can find the path(s) that will appeal to you. I'll offer practical ways to discern based on my own research, healing journeys, personal life experiences and guidance from my Guides--not for me to tell you what's right for you, but to help you understand how to listen to your own Spirit, because it's trying to tell you what's right for you.

The personal mission I have invested in this is for you to believe in your own greatness. You are no mere small thing. With the information I'll provide, you can then challenge your own hearts and minds and come to your own conclusions.

So please send in your questions so I can answer them here:

ALL Content Copyright 2013 Karyn Crisis